Afrikaans links

A few links to other Afrikaans (related) websites and other sites that in some way tickle my fancy.

Surface Languages Afrikaans. This is one of mine. Essentially there is the same Afrikaans content but in a different format. There are also words and phrases in about a million other languages - or thereabouts.

Afrikaans grammar. A rather sketchy outline of Afrikaans grammar from the omniscient wiki.

Network 24. Al die nuus altyd byderhand. All the news at hand or maybe to hand. (This reads better in Afrikaans).

Afrikaans dictionary. A dictionary created by yours truly, which is permanently under construction.

Afrikaans London. An interesting blog written in Afrikaans by an Afrikaans language learner.

Afrikaans Music that I like

Cooler as Ekke Cool as me (by Jack Parow).
Tussen stasies Between stations (by Jack Parow).


Keep calm and speak Afrikaans T-shirt.