About Easy Afrikaans

Easy Afrikaans is a free language learning site for anyone who is interested in the Afrikaans language. Here you will discover lists of Afrikaans words and phrases (along with audio), useful links to Afrikaans resources on the internet and information about Afrikaans, as well as hints on language learning.

History of and updates to the site

It was set up by me moonface in 2006 and left unchanged for years. I've now returned originally in 2014 (but see below for updates). I hope going to improve it.

I wrote in the old about page (back in 2006)

"Easy Afrikaans is constantly expanding. We hope you enjoy visiting it and return frequently. Any helpful comments, let us know!"

and then there was a hiatus of eight years (until 2014) before I returned.


April 2017. I decided to use bootstrap instead of skeleton to make the site responsive (for the menus if you must know), and sentences and lessons are now mobile friendly.

November 2016: I've taken the first tentaive steps to make the site mobile friendly with this about page, a page on Afrikaans verbs , and also with an updated crossword.

It is likely to be a long process:)

Easy Afrikaans is (as you may have guessed from reading the above) a part-time project, but I will continue adding features and languages (as and when) as I have with Surface Languages another free language learning site.


The audio and phrases with audio were translated and recorded by a native speaker.

They should all be perfect:)

The explanations (grammar) were written by me and so may as they say contain traces of nuts. If you find any mistakes please let me know.

If you have any comments, suggestions etc, drop me a line on Kind words, or my blog at Surface Languages (my other site).


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I hope you find Easy Afrikaans useful.

